Students will be making a little interactive booklet on their most important celebration.
A paper copy of the following message will be sent out this week, along with a homework sheet.
Dear family,
In social studies, students have started
looking at different celebrations and traditions in different families in our
On the homework sheet named “Les
traditions et les célébrations chez moi!,” there are questions that students
will have to complete with the help of their family members. Have your
child(ren) explain the questions written in French. Should there be any difficulty,
please visit my primary social studies blog (link below) for the English
translation. Students must complete the work themselves through an interview
with a family member who can help answer these questions about family
celebrations and traditions. This work to be returned by 24th of May.
Thank you for your support.
The following is the translation for the homework sheet.
A tradition is a belief, a custom, a habit or a practice that is passed on from parents to their children. The parents show these traditions orally or by doing it.
A celebration is a festival, feast or party that honours a person (e.g. Mothers day), a religious ceremony (e.g. Easter) or a special moment that happens during the course of the year (e.g. Canada Day).
1. What is your family's most important celebration?
2. What is the date of this celebration?
Does its date change every year? Circle yes no
3. For this celebration
We do / We eat / We wear / We meet
4. Why do you celebrate this celebration?
5. Did your grandparents and parents celebrate it (in the past) in the same way as you do? What are some of the similarities and differences?
6. What are some of your family's traditions?
(example / going out for dinner on Saturdays, spend a week every year at a cottage, going camping winter every winter, take a family picture every year, etc.)
Signature of the adult who helped.
Any questions, please send me an agenda note or call ext. 113.
Thank you very much for your support.
Mr. Jung