Sunday, January 3, 2016

Grade 1 - January

Dear parents and guardians,

In Social Studies, Grade 1 students have so far discussed:
- their roles and responsibilities in different places.
- important people in their lives and how their roles and responsibilities are different.
- important events in their lives and how these events change their roles and responsibilities.

In January, Grade 1 students will start a project in which they will create a poster to show at least three important places in their lives and how their roles and responsibilities change in these places.

Please send with your child(ren) three pictures taken in their three important places, if available, by the 11th of January at the latest. Some examples include pictures taken in their relatives' house, school and their place of worship (no trip or vacation pictures taken in places where they do not have particular responsibilities). Students will discuss this topic the first week back and they should be able to tell you which places they have chosen to include in their poster by the end of this week. The size of each photograph must be 4x6 or smaller. All the photos used in this project will only be used for the purpose of this activity and will be sent back home after the project has been evaluated. The number and quality of the photos used in this project will not be assessed for equity reasons. If photos are not available, students will be allowed to draw instead with no penalty. Using real photos is intended to help students engage and see the relevance of their learning to their life better.

For some of the vocabulary we will be using for this project, please click here. Click on the speaker icon to play the pronunciation. Long click to play it slowly.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via agenda or telephone (ext. 113). Thank you for your support.


M. Jung

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