Thursday, June 2, 2016

Grade 1 - final project.

Students have recently toured around the school building to notice natural and built features around it. Now we are making a plan on what we want to have around our school, where we want to have it specifically and explain our choices using a map of the school.

This task is for students to notice the interrelationship between natural and built features in their community. Some questions you could ask:

1. What are some of the good things about the natural features in our neighbourhood? How could we make them better?
2. What are some ways in which people have had an impact on the natural features in the community?
3. What happens when we clear up many trees to build a big mall?
4. Why is there a big park right next to our school?
5. Why do we need new schools in our neighbourhood?

Try making a simple map of your neighbourhood with your child and discuss why they have the services they have available in the area.

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