Sunday, April 10, 2016

Grade 2 - Comparing our families

We have been working on a Venn diagram to compare our family structure, origin and celebrations.

We are creating our family trees. Some students still have not brought in their photos and the worksheet to record all the names of their family members. Please  make sure that your child(ren) know(s) the full name of each member. Students are also encouraged to bring in the names written in the original language in addition to the names written with the Roman Alphabet.

Through this activity, students will be further compare the structure of their families and start discussing the countries of personal and familial significance.

Some ideas to support at home:
1. Locate the countries of personal and familial significance on the map.
2. Share the family albums and photos, especially those that depict the family traditions and celebrations to discuss how these practices have changed over time.
3. Discuss different family structures and origins of their friends and cousins and how these differences make each family unique.
4. Discuss local celebrations and how diversity in Canada brings many different people together to different celebrations.

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