Monday, February 22, 2016

Grade 1 - Local community vocabulary 1

Please click here to see the vocabulary for the second unit on the local community. Long click on the speaker icon to listen to the list slowly.

At home, students could discuss

1. What places are there in their neighborhood.
2. How often they go to these places.
3. Why they go to these places.
4. Where they like to go and why.
5. How they get to these places, how far it is and how long it takes (using non-standard measuring units like steps, minutes by car, blocks, houses, etc.)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Grade 3 - End of the Term and the next unit.

Grade 3 students are finalizing their unit on Living and Working in Ontario.

During the second term, we will be working on our Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada: 1780-1850 unit (For the curriculum information click here and view page 86-89). Please check this blog frequently for updates on how you could support your child(ren) at home during this new unit.

Grade 2 - End of the Term and the next unit.

During the second term, we will be working on our Heritage and Identity : Changing Family and Traditions unit (For the curriculum information click here and view page 76-81). Please check this blog frequently for updates on how you could support your child(ren) at home during this new unit.

Grade 1 - End of the Term and the next unit.

The project about significant places and changing responsibilities are all done. The complete works, along with the evaluation grid, will be sent home in February for parents to sign and return.

During the second term, we will be working on our People and Environment : The Local Community unit (For the curriculum information click here and view page 69-71). Please check this blog frequently for updates on how you could support your child(ren) at home during this new unit.