Friday, December 11, 2015

Grade 2 - Quiz #1 answers and audio/translation.

Question 1
Les continents

Les océans

L’Océan Pacifique

L’Océan Indien

L’Océan Antarctique

L’Océan Atlantique
L’Australie / L’Océanie

L’Océan Arctique
L’Amérique du Nord

L’Amérique du Sud

Question 2

Question 3
E Le nom de l’océan qui se trouve à l’est de l’Amérique du Nord.
D Le nom de l’océan qui se trouve à l’ouest de l’Amérique du Sud.
C Le nom du continent qui se trouve au sud de l’Amérique du Nord.
F Le nom du continent qui se trouve au nord de l’Afrique.
E Un grand espace plein d'eau salée qui couvre 70% de la surface de la Terre.
G Un grande espace de terrain à la surface de la Terre.
A Une ligne imaginaire qui sépare la Terre en deux parties horizontalement. Elle marque la séparation entre l'hémisphère nord et l'hémisphère sud.
H Une ligne imaginaire qui sépare la Terre en deux parties verticalement. Elle marque la séparation entre l'hémisphère ouest et l'hémisphère est.

Click here for translation and audio for the question 3. Click on the speaker icon for pronunciation. Long click to play it slowly.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Grade 1 - Special events in my life

We are learning to describe special event in our lives and how they change our roles and responsibilities.

Click here for the vocabulary list. Click on the speaker icon for pronunciation. Long click to play it slowly.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Grade 1 - Les responsabilités

We have been working on the vocabulary to express our responsibilities at home and school. We are also learning to describe important people in our lives and their different responsibilities.

Click here for the list of expressions we are learning on this topic. Click on the speaker icon for pronunciation. Long click to play it slowly.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Grade 3 - Les différents types de communauté

Here is the Prezi presentation that we looked at in class. Students are encouraged to review this presentation to complete their graphic organizer that summarizes the characteristics of the three types of communities.

Grade 2 - World map

The quiz will be sent home during the week of 11-30. Please review the quiz with your child, sign and return.

To further support your child(ren):
Review the handouts given in class including the vocabulary sheets.

Printable activities to review continents and oceans

Game to review continents and oceans

Print mega-size maps to walk on them

Google Earth

Grade 1 - Les expressions polies

Les expressions polies


De rien.


Au revoir.

When and why do you say these words?

Click here and click on the speaker icon to hear the pronunciation. Long click to play it slowly.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Winter Concert Song for the primary students

Winter Concert song for all primary students (grade 1-3) 

Bonjour l’hiver
Bonjour l’hiver
Et comment ça va?
Je suis content(e) que tu sois avec moi.

Bonjour l’hiver
Tu te portes  bien
Reste un peu avec nous autres               
Chantons un refrain.

Ah, tes glaçons brillants,
Suspendus au toit,
Tes  flocons de neige
Qui dansent autour de moi

Allons patiner
Glisser en traîneau
Je suis content(e)  quand tu arrives
Dans notre petit hameau.

Charlotte Diamond

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Welcome to Primary Social Studies Blog

Welcome! It is my pleasure to teach your child(ren) Social Studies this school year 2015-2016.

I will be posting important updates, announcements, homework and extra materials for primary Social Studies (Grade 1-3) on this blog. I greatly appreciate your support for child(ren)'s progress in Social Studies at home.

To view only grade 1 posts:

To view only grade 2 posts:

To view only grade 3 pots:

This blog is not meant for parent-teacher communication. No comment or email sent via this blog will be read or answered. If you have any general questions or would like to discuss your child(ren)'s progress in Social Studies, please call extension 113 or send a note in your child(ren)'s agenda/communication envelop for an appointment. Thank you for your cooperation.


Mr. Jung